The Holy Spirit is active in the life of everyone who believes in and follows Jesus Christ. But we do not always understand how He is at work or how we are strengthened in faith by the Spirit of God. ⁠

We do not get "into the spirit." The Spirit gets in us. And when He does, our life is changed in every way. Our past is forgiven. ⁠

Our future is full of the potential that God has planted in us. Our present is contagious with faith, hope, and love - for God and others. Join us in September for a series focused on Where The Spirit Leads.⁠


For those of us having a week full of worry, a mid-week message from Interim Senior Pastor, Rev. Don Ballard…

“Cast all your anxiety on Him, because he cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7

We hope to see you this Sunday at 9:45 for Sunday School and 11am for Worship.


Don’t forget! Set a reminder that ⏰🕰️⏱️ CHMC service time changes this Sunday! We will have Sunday school for all ages at 9:45am followed by worship at 11am.⁠


Happy Wednesday to all our Central Houston Methodist friends and family!

Interim Senior Pastor, Rev. Don Ballard wants to remind you that this upcoming Sunday, September 8th, we’re kicking off our new service time of 11am as well as Round Up Sunday! 🤠

We’ll have friends, food, fellowship, vendors, and football!

See you there.


Join us Sunday, September 8 for Sunday school at 9:45am for kiddos and adults followed by worship at 11am. 🤠 After worship, stay for lunch and so much more! Round-Up Sunday is a time to kick off new children’s and youth curriculum as well as fellowship as a church family. It’s the perfect Sunday to visit - so plan to bring a friend. You won’t want to miss this! See you Sunday!⁠


"He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake." Psalm 23:2-3⁠

Central Houston Methodist family, we`re wishing you a happy, restful, and safe Labor Day holiday. ⁠


He knows you. He cares for you. He loves you. 💛⁠

And we hope to see you tomorrow at 10am.⁠

Join us for Sunday service.⁠


Happy Wednesday Central Houston Methodist friends and family!

Stopping in with a message from Interim Senior Pastor, Rev. Don Ballard.

We hope to see you this Sunday and on Round Up Sunday on September 8th!


Social media is a great place to connect with friends and family, but sometimes, it can be a perfect place for negative energy and influence.⁠

Don’t let social media be your Bible. Turn to His word!⁠


A mid-week message of encouragement from Central Houston Methodist’s Interim Senior Pastor, Rev. Don Ballard.

Whether you’re a returning member or looking to find your church home, we hope you’re able to join us this Sunday.


To whoever needed to hear this today: Jesus loves you!⁠

He died on the cross for our sins and shortcomings, and His love is eternal.⁠


Hey Houston, we’d love to see you!⁠

Newcomers are always welcome at Central Houston Methodist; we love to see our family grow.⁠

Join us on Sundays at 10AM. Visitors are always welcome!⁠


A message from Central Houston Methodist’s Interim Senior Pastor, Rev. Don Ballard. 

We are looking forward to welcoming Pastor Don to our congregation this Sunday, August 18th at 10am.

We hope you’re able to join us!


Please join us Sunday, August 18th, as we welcome Rev. Don Ballard as our new Interim Senior Pastor. ⁠

Don`s arrival as a full-time pastor is evidence of Central Houston Methodist Church`s continued growth and immense blessings. ⁠

Don has served the Global Methodist Church as interim Pastor in two GMC churches over the past year and at CHMC will help to develop our church’s family, youth, and children ministries, provide outreach to the community and be available to care for and nurture the spiritual life of our congregation as we prepare for a permanent senior pastor. ⁠

Our founding pastor, Rev. Dr. Henry Everitt, will remain connected as Pastor of Discipleship as he continues in his expanded duties at his full-time job with the Army and with Rice University. ⁠

Welcome, Rev. Don Ballard! ⁠


Here are some verses to bookmark for daily encouragement. ⁠

You can always turn to His Word!⁠


“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”⁠

Matthew 18:20⁠

We can’t wait to gather and continue praising His name at 10AM with you!⁠


About Us

We’re glad you’re here! Central Houston Methodist is a new church located in Houston’s museum district. We adhere to the orthodox Wesleyan traditions that have historically defined Methodism as part of the Global Methodist Church — a new denomination whose mission is to “Make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.”

Central Houston Methodist Church provides many ways for you to serve: prayer ministry, lay liturgy, altar guild, hospitality, worship preparation, music ministry, family ministries, small groups and more. We welcome you into our growing community of faith!


4910 Montrose Blvd.
Houston, TX  77006


Sunday Mornings at 11 am