We’re glad you’re here! Central Houston Methodist is a new church being planted in Houston in the John Wesley tradition by the Global Methodist Church, a new denomination whose mission “is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.”

Central Houston Methodist Church provides many ways for you to serve: prayer ministry, lay liturgy, altar guild, hospitality, worship preparation, music ministry, family ministries, and small groups, just to name a few. Share your spiritual and financial gifts with our growing community.

Designed, Hand-carved, and Donated by Henry O. Everitt – Huntsville, Alabama To the Glory of God.

July 16, 2023

Central Houston Methodist Church Cross

In the first century, the cross was a frightening, vile, despicable, and hated symbol. It was used by the authorities to discourage and deter objectionable behavior.

Jesus changed all that with an unwarranted death sentence that He triumphantly overcame with His resurrection. Being nailed to a cross for man’s sin revealed the infinite love God sent to us and all the world.

The Central Houston Methodist Church cross is made of an exotic wood from Africa known as “Purple Heart.” Purple Heart was chosen because the color suggests a feeling of the passion and love of Christ.

Purple Heart is also a good example of the exquisite diversity of God’s creation—there are thousands of wood species—each of them beautiful in their own way.

The design of the Central Houston Methodist Church cross is a symbol of the Holy Trinity—each of the four arms has three half circles—one each for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It can be known and celebrated as the “Trinity Cross”.

The four arms can also represent the four Gospels—each offering for all time a revelation of the truth about Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The twelve half circles can be related to the twelve Apostles, each representing Christ.

The symbol IHS a contraction of the Greek word for Jesus – spelled “IHΣΟΥΣ.”

The Central Houston Methodist Church Cross sends a message of Jesus’s extravagant love and grace to us all.