Get Connected
The “method” that became “Methodism” was John Wesley’s insight that if we aspire to become more Christ-like, we can’t make much progress if we only spend a single hour in worship each week. Christian living takes intentionality all week long, and we need all the help we can get.
Consequently, Wesley organized small group “class meetings” of like-minded Christians who met weekly outside of worship to share experiences, challenges, prayer needs, and God-moments as we encourage one another and hold each other accountable to the shared commitment of becoming more Christ-like through individual and corporate acts of piety and mercy.
In this spirit, CHMC offers two types of class meetings: Sunday school classes and covenant discipleship band meetings.
Here, we have set up adult opportunities to connect through band groups and classes.
Covenant Discipleship Band Meetings
Separate men’s and women’s covenant discipleship band meetings are small groups of 6-8 that meet weekly outside of worship so that participants may check in on their weekly experiences and challenges toward the shared covenant they crafted to live more intentionally Christ-like lives. The covenant, which typically includes a weekly commitment to perform acts of piety and acts of mercy both individually and corporately, is the centerpiece of band meetings, which often begin with the Wesleyan question “How is it with your soul?"
Adult Sunday School Class
John Wesley invented Sunday school classes, which were originally a form of class meeting that gathered before or after worship each Sunday. At CHMC, our adult Sunday school class weekly focuses on Bible study, using a discussion-oriented format to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal new understandings of Scripture that are relevant, challenging, and life affirming. None of us has a full understanding of God’s revelation, so our classes are designed to elicit everyone’s Holy Spirit-inspired perspective on a given passage while receiving in humility different perspectives spoken to us through our brothers and sisters in Christ. We invite you to connect with others in our adult Sunday School class.
Puzzled by the last book in the Bible? To learn how to decode the messages and discover words of hope and encouragement, join the Adult Sunday School class at 9:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall as Pastor Henry leads a new study entitled “Revelation Demystified.”